Check back for updates to all of our future auditions
Love Street Playhouse • 126 Loves Ave • Woodland WA
A satirical sendup of the regency romance novel, Pistols for Two has all the expected stereotypical events (daring escapades, mistaken ident...
Love Street Playhouse • 126 Loves Ave • Woodland WA
ACTING RÉSUMÉ: Be sure to include your contact information. List all shows you’ve been in (professional and non) including role, director, year, and company or school. Also list any film/camera/voice work, all training and classes (include company/school and instructors), as well as specialty skills and interests.
HEAD SHOT: You do not need a professional headshot for Love Street Playhouse if your photo is current and looks like you.
Please fill out the short Audition Form upon arrival (or download and print) to the theater and mark any possible conflicts
We will be doing readings from the script whether it's in-person or a PreRecorded Video Audition. Please see the Audition Sides and read the Sample Script to better prepare for your audition.
Fill out Audition Form upon arrival to theater
Once we have completed auditions we will contact those we are offering roles. After that we will post the cast list on the website and Facebook.
If you prefer to do a PreRecorded Video Audition instead of an in-person audition, we ask that you contact us to get specifics from the Director and Artistic Director. HERE
We will be doing readings from the script. We strongly encourage you prepare before your audition. A partial script is posted on this page. See Link above. Each role is described. When you find a role (or several) that you would like to audition for, take note of the Audition Scenes for each character to help focus your preparation. We have found that actors who come to auditions with a strong familiarity with the script do far better than those who rely on “cold” readings
Love Street Playhouse
MAILING • Love Street Playhouse • PO Box 2085 • Woodland, WA 98674 PHYSICAL • 126 Loves Ave • Woodland, WA 98674
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